Learning outcome 2

Learning outcome 2

  1. Review your final draft of the chosen Significant Writing Project as you prepare to write a section of your statement titled Learning Outcome 2. In that section, explain the ways you used sources as evidence in the paper, including at least one specific example that demonstrates your ability to select, integrate, and explain quotations (about 200-450 words). You will likely draw from the ways your class has discussed the practice of integrating your ideas with others. Revisit your early efforts at integrating your ideas with evidence to help you think (and write) about your development.

In my narrative story essay I used author’s Galen Strawson and Julie Beck as a source to support my points. In English 110 we learned ways to integrate different quotations into our writing. An example that demonstrates my ability to select, integrate, and explain myself is with author Julie Beck.

“Many things influence new life experiences. For example, it has become common today to dismiss the master narratives which have become embedded in our culture. Author, Julie Beck’s developed this sensation in her piece of writing called “Life’s Stories.” In her writing, she gives an example of a major master narrative in today’s world. She says that “one such blueprint is your standard go to school, graduate, get a job, get married, have kids.” Throughout my lifetime this is very accurate, though not everyone follows it. The people who do not follow this by the book, are frowned upon and seen as unsuccessful, even though they are trying to make a statement that having this master narrative control over people is not right. People constantly tell kids from a young age that they should be happy.”

As you can see I integrated Beck’s writing into my view. This is a large step up from plopping a quote into my writing and explaining it after. This way I introduced the idea before the quote and then added in the quote and continued to explain how I relate to it. I used a sandwich technique which works very well for me.
